About Me

  • I am a final-year PhD student in the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academic of Science (CAS), advised by Prof. S. Kevin Zhou.
  • I obtained my B.E. in School of the Gifted Young (SCGY, 少年班学院, honors college) from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2019.
  • I gained valuable internship experience in 2019 at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) under the mentorship of Jilong Xue. This was followed by internships at Tencent Jarvis Lab supervised by Dr. Yefeng Zheng, and at Z2sky.ai with Prof. S. Kevin Zhou as my adviser.

My research lies at developing secure and label-efficient medical image analysis algorithms with AI to achieve cost-efficient-yet-reliable medical decision-making, with the recent focus on 1) learning under severely scarce labeled data, e.g., one-shot medical landmark detection and segmentation. 2) learning without any labeled data, e.g., anomaly detection and zero-shot classification, 3) adversarial attack and defense on medical diagnosis network, 4) universal medical landmark detection & segmentation. I have published 10+ papers at the top international AI conferences and journals with citations

🔥 News

  • 2024.7:   One paper accepted to TMI.
  • 2024.5:   Two papers accepted to MICCAI-24.
  • 2024.5:   One paper accepted to MIA-24.
  • 2024.3:   One paper accepted to CVPR-24.
  • 2024.2:   Two papers accepted to ISBI-24.
  • 2023.11:   One paper accepted to TMI.
  • 2023.10:   Glad to be awarded as an IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer
  • 2023.9:   BMPLE dataset is now available!
  • 2023.5:   Two papers accepted to MICCAI-23
  • 2022.6:   One paper accepted to MICCAI-22
  • 2022.2:   One paper accepted to CVPR-22
  • 2021.8:   Glad to receive MICCAI-21 Student Travel Award
  • 2021.5:   Three papers accepted to MICCAI-21.
  • 2021.1:   One paper accepted to TMI.
  • 2020.6:   One paper accepted to MICCAI-20.

📝 Publications

One-shot landmark detection

  • MICCAI 2021One-shot medical landmark detection (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Qingsong Yao, Quan Quan, Li Xiao, S. Kevin Zhou (early accepted, rank 47/1800) [code]
  • CVPR 2022 Which images to label for few-shot medical landmark detection? (IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference)
    Quan Quan*, Qingsong Yao*, Jun Li, S. Kevin Zhou [code]
  • MICCAI 2023 UOD: Universal One-Shot Detection of Anatomical Landmarks (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Heqin Zhu, Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, Zaiyi Liu, S. Kevin Zhou [code]
  • MIA 2024 Which images to label for few-shot medical image analysis (Medical Imaging Analysis)
    Quan Quan*, Qingsong Yao*, Heqin Zhu, S. Kevin Zhou
  • TMI 2024 Information-guided unsupervised augmentation: Pixel-wise contrastive learning for medical image analysis
    Quan Quan*, Qingsong Yao*, Heqin Zhu, S. Kevin Zhou
  • MICCAI 2024 SIX-Net: Spatial-context Information miX-up for Electrode Landmark Detection (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Xinyi Wang, Zikang Xu, Heqin Zhu, Qingsong Yao, Yiyong Sun, S Kevin Zhou

Anomaly Detection

Adversarial attacks and defenses

Universal learning

Medical Vision-Language Pre-training


  • MICCAI 2024 HySparK: Hybrid Sparse Masking for Large Scale Medical Image Pre-Training (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Fenghe Tang, Ronghao Xu, Qingsong Yao, Xueming Fu, Quan Quan, Zaiyi Liu, S. Kevin Zhou
  • ISBI 2024 Long-tailed multi-label classification with noisy label of thoracic diseases from chest X-ray (IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging)
    Haoran Lai, Qingsong Yao, Zhiyang He, Xiaodong Tao, S. Kevin Zhou
  • MICCAI 2023 FairAdaBN: Mitigating unfairness with adaptive batch normalization and its application to dermatological disease classification (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Zikang Xu, Shang Zhao, Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, S. Kevin Zhou
  • MICCAI 2022 Rib Suppression in Digital Chest Tomosynthesis (International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)
    Yihua Sun, Qingsong Yao, Yuanyuan Lyu, Jianji Wang, Yi Xiao, Hongen Liao, S. Kevin Zhou [code]

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2021.10 MICCAI Student travel award, 2021.
  • 2020-2022 Academic First Class Scholarship in ICT, CAS
  • 2020-2022 Merit Student in ICT, CAS

📖 Educations

  • 2019.06 - (now), Ph.D, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing
  • 2015.09 - 2019.06, Undergraduate, School of the Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei

💬 Professional Services

Jornel Reviewers:

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI Distinguished Reviewer)
  • Medical Imaging Analysis (MIA)
  • Pattern Recognition (PR)
  • IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Conference Reviewers:

  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)-22.24
  • European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)-22,24
  • International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)-21,23
  • International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)-21-24
  • Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)-23

Developed Tools

CUDA Spatial DeformCUDA toolkits for 3D/2D image spatial deformation, 45X faster than CPU. link

💻 Internships